Short and Sweet
I don't know why so many people are getting upset. It's a flash movie!! What the hell do so many people think you need help? Not everything is a hidden cry for help. I like it.
Short and Sweet
I don't know why so many people are getting upset. It's a flash movie!! What the hell do so many people think you need help? Not everything is a hidden cry for help. I like it.
What the crap?!
I was really getting into, thinking "Oh dood these two are gonna kick some ass" But then it just ended. I don't care it it's continued, who wants to watch the introductory scene of a battle, but not the actual battle? :(
Incredibly Creative
Even though the ending song was really lame, the fact that the movie KEPT GOING after the chase scene is worth mentioning. I was laughing my ass at that part and I thought "cripes, whats next?!" Very good flash, it flows very nicely with the music. Keep it up!! ^^
the intro was nearly as long as the actual flash, i was just getting into it and then it
oh man
yeah we all know the sun is like really huge compared to the moon but the idea of them chillin together is pretty original. but the convo could have done something with what the sun and the moon actually DO, instead of them just kickin back like a couple of potheads; as clever as that may be. but for some reason, like the last guy, i still liked it, nice work.
Good ideas
I really liked it but I think it would have been better if the sound was a little more crisp. I hardly understood what the first guy was saying, but then the guy standing next to the pool of pigs was so incoherent that I just had to ignore him altogther, making my own narration in my head. But the art really kicked ass, everyone was shaped like a wierd bean or somethin'
really good
that really kicked ass, but it could have done without the silly punk music at the end.. :(
another great decline flash!
that was probably the best one guys really put alot of quality and detail into your work. good job! btw: the robot fight music wasnt static x, it was rammstien.
Joined on 3/6/05